there is no flaw in you.
Song of Solomon 4:7
I am one of those women who struggles with weight and acceptance. This is not a new thing, I think I've dealt with it on many levels for many years. I know there are many women who face the same struggles I do and very often feel discouraged and defeated because of it. I come from a family of 10 kids and we come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes I compare myself to the taller, thinner ones, and say "why me".
Steve and I have been married now for almost 16 years. He has seen me through several diets, and encouraged me various ways as I struggled to lose the weight and then eventually gain it back. He has never made any kind of statement that has made me feel bad about my appearance. I do find at that all by myself. He has always just listened and tried to help me. But there is one thing he said to me a couple of years ago that has stuck with me and always makes me smile, and thank God for Steve.
One day I was complaining (again) about my weight and the struggle that it is to constantly be thinking about it, and what I should and shouldn't be eating. Saying that I was tried of the way I look, and just feeling down. Steve looked at me and said the most beautiful words that he ever could. He said "Kim, God made me addicted to you". WOW, God gave my husband eyes that even though physically I may not consider myself beautiful, he sees me as beautiful! I am continually amazed at the true gift that marriage can be. When two people become one, God gives them each a gift. One of my gifts and one of my husbands gifts is that "God made him addicted to me". He (Steve) loves me with a Godly passion. He sees me the way God wants him to see me!
So many women struggle with what I struggle with. It is one of those battles that I think about often and pray about. Wondering as Paul sometimes may have, why God doesn't take this thorn away. But what I have that many women sadly don't have is a husband that sees me as God sees me! Oh how I wish more men recognized how they would encourage and lift up their wives if only they opened their eyes to see what God sees!
Thank you Chrysalis for allowing me to join you and the other ladies in speaking of one aspect of Marriage that I treasure!
As you know - I have struggled for years with the same thing. And I'm also blessed with a husband who loves me and tells me I'm beautiful, even when I don't feel that way. What a blessing!
This is a wonderful post, Kim! And what a sweet sentiment from your husband! I am amazed at the oneness God can bring between a man and a woman. Marriage is such a blessing in this earthly life!
Aw! Sounds like you married a great guy! That's so sweet!!
Oh I have to comment after reading this! How beautiful! Your husband's comment is to be commended! I love hearing about men who truly understand their role in loving women like Christ loves the church! I pray more ladies are blessed with such amazing men! Thanks for sharing! You blessed my day:)
LOVE this post! Speaks to the struggle..and acceptance..that I find here in my marriage. It is a blessing to have a life partner that encourages and does not tear us down in the areas that we are prone to dwell on. Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely beautiful! You are a blessed woman, Kim. We were thinking along similar lines, to be sure.
Those of us who love to cook (myself included) probably have a greater battle in the weight department than women who are super athletic or whose interests and talents lie elsewhere. I've learned to "fast" more frequently than I "feast." I'm just grateful e-Dad appreciates my good cooking! I'm guessing that your Steve is the same way.
Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Kim. ღ
Every woman I know has this struggle and yet most men don't seem to care. Are women more superficial than men? Praise God for the wise words of your husband. May you believe them.
Blessed be the husband!
Kim, so nice to meet you!
I am deeply blessed by what you've shared...how beautiful! It reminds me of Ps. 45:11 The King is enthralled with your beauty!
Thank you for sharing and being part of Marriage Monday!
Many hugs from Canada
Good post, Kim....
So you have one of the good ones too, eh? Me too.
I think when I get older (not old, but older) I begin to look at myself and my weight in a different way than I did when I was young or younger. At this stage of the game I try to look at what is on the "inside" more than what is on the outside. It is what is in my heart that will last forever not what is on the outside. Someday I will have a new and perfect body - how wonderful will that be? You will too. Good days are a comin.......
God gave you a wonderful husband. Kim you are great the way you are. Yes, we all would like to shed a few and struggle with it back and forth. But, it is awesome that our husbands and true friends love us the way we are! Cudos to your husband for lifting you up that day and the days beyond every time you think of it.
Hi Kim, my name is Karen from
http://glassofsweettea.blogspot.com/ I come by to visit via my friend at Blessed Builder..
I loved your post,,and I will be back to visit again soon, and I hope you will swing by to say Hi as well..
Have a blessed Easter weekend..
Just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my blog - I'm so sorry that you have dealt with pain in ministry - you re right - not many people truly understand that pain and many think you should 'just get over it' but it is never that easy.
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