Yesterday was a special day for the people of England, and for my daughter and I.. It was the day of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Bekah and I got up at 4:00 am to begin watching it.
There was so much excitement! So much joy! So much hope for the future! So many glowing smiles and sure signs of love!
What is it about this wedding that gets so many excited? What about any wedding does the same thing?
I think there are several reasons:
- The expectation of what the bride will be wearing, the colors, the flowers, etc....
- It's a wonderful chance to dress up, celebrate, eat at good meal, and CAKE!!!!
- The promise of true love.
- But most of all the people who watched William & Kate's wedding or any wedding for that matter are hopeful that these two will be the odds. That they will understand the beauty in marriage, and truly live until death do us part.
- Could it be that they don't really realize what it is they are doing?
- Could it be that even though they say the words, they are not hearing or believing them?
- Are they truly ready to put the other persons needs above their own?
- Are they aligned with God and allowing him to be the head of their lives in ALL things?
- Do they truly understand that marriage is a covenant (not a legal contract) that they are entering into with God as a witness (Malachi 2:14).
- Marriage is a covenant created & ordained by the Creator of the universe and He is a witness to it.
- It was meant for procreation.
- It was meant for the support and help of the couple.
- It was mean to be Until death do us part.
- It was meant to show the Mystery of Christ and His Church(Ephesians 5:31-33).
Oh the beauty and promise of a wedding! Oh the mystery of the relationship between husband & wife; and Christ and His Church.
My heart calls out to all who are married & struggling; looking to get married in the future, or don't even want to have a thing to do with marriage. Look at the Author or marriage and trust him with your life & marriage.
I pray William and Kate have a long and blessed life together! I pray that for everyone that enters the marriage covenant.
I thought it was a beautiful ceremony with a great message. I think it's great that you were able to watch it with Bekah. I echo your prayer!
This is such a lovely post, and you raise so many important points. Thank you for sharing it.
I too felt the Bishop of London's sermon was wonderful and he presented it all so beautifully. "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire" - St Catherine of Siena's words are so true!
I hope that this very public wedding will encourage others to put faith at the centre of their marriage - and their wedding - as it seems the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have done. (And I thought it was lovely they kissed twice too!)
It was a beautiful wedding ceremony and a fabulous message as well.So glad you were able to watch it.
Hi! Stopping by from Marriage Monday. Greatly enjoyed your post - thank you! I'm also now following your blog. Blessings!
If God is the center of a marriage, one can overcome most anything! I spent the night at my aunts, getting up at 4 a.m. to watch it all. We'd watched Di's wedding all those years ago! I was somewhat appalled to hear rumor that Camilla signed the wedding document as his mother - I'd like to hear more on that!
Wonderful post, Kim! You echoed so many of my own sentiments. Wasn't it a lovely wedding?
Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday, today.
Hugs, e-Mom
LOVED it too. Makes my heart dance thinking of the parallel of this pauper marrying THE PRINCE! :)
And the great feast of the Lamb we will all get to hang out together for eternity!
I wrote a post about the wedding and the bride of Christ too.
I was praying for this young couple as they went through the ceremony. I pray they will fulfill the roles God has given them and bring Him great glory in the process.
What a beautiful wedding!
Being British myself - I was captivated by 'THE' wedding - but I love your post about it - how so very true - a call to look to the Author of marriage who Himself one day will be our Prince Charming! Oh the Joy!
Thanks for visiting my blog - I wanted to tell you that there is a wonderful book called Weak People - Mighty God by Terry Virgo (if you ever get the chance to get your hands on it!)
Shelley x
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