God has been bringing many scriptures to mind lately concerning where I put my hope! What or who is my fortress and refuge from the storm? My stronghold!

What word has the Lord given to you this week to share? Join others for a Word Filled Wednesday
Such a wonderful verse and picture my friend.
I love this verse and the truth that God is our shield and refuge...makes times of trouble that much easier to deal with. Thank you for this post, and happy WFW!
I love that scripture and the picture is perfect with it.
Thank God He is all of those things to me as well!
Bless you and Happy WFW!
What a beautiful picture... perfect for the verse. Wonderful reminder that God is immovable and all powerful! No matter what circumstances we may be in... He is there and He is constant!
Oh what a great word. Yes, He is my ROCK, My FORTRESS and DELIVERER!
Have a blessed WFW♥
Beautiful verse and picture. He truly is our Fortress and Stronghold. We can be assured safety in Him! Happy WFW!
Five and a half years ago, I went to a conference on Prayer given by Ken Gire (look him up on Amazon if you are not familiar with him, he's worth your time to read his stuff). One of the things he said was that you have to have a relationship with God that is ongoing and strong because WHEN the storms come to blow you out of the water, if you don't have that refuge already built, you have nowhere to go. He compared our prayer relationship to a Masada or a high fortress. It has to be built during a time of peace so that you can see your enemy approaching from all sides. It needs to be fortified with the Word so that you can fight back and you need to be ready to flee to it in a moment's notice. That comes from a consistent time with the Lord built during those lulls between the storms. I know I have mixed my metaphors like crazy here, but this has meant so much to me in my journey with my health. It was less than a month after that conference that I found out I had cancer. It was a Divine Appointment that I was there in the first place in more ways than I care to count. Keep building your fortress, you never know when you'll need it.
Wonderful post! I posted about the Lord Almighty today, too! About what kind of faith do you have. I love it when the spreads His word like this!
He is a mighty fortress!
Miriam :)
Great promise!
Happy WFW!
I absolutely love this!! God is definitely my Rock! Thanks so much for sharing!
He is my rock! thank-you!
Yes, the hope thing is spinning in my world, too. This verse is good for me to read. Thanks!
Beautiful verse and photo. Thanks for sharing.
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