Capitalism - an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.
Socialism - 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
I bet you are shocked by that title huh?! I was too! My wonderful husband and I got away this weekend for an overnight date. This meant we had time to talk about alot of things. Saturday night while sitting in the public hot tub at the hotel we struck up a conversation with 2 couples from our great neighbor to the north - Canada. One of the topics we got on was our health care issue and their government run health care. They didn't have two many bad things to say about it (not that I am advocating ours by any means!!!). I expected them to say how awful it was, and the pure awfulness (not a real word) was just not there. Sunday was we were leaving TC we were talking about it again, and a thought came to mind.
Capitalism will lead to Socialism because of the greed of man. What socialism does, is it legislates morality. Because the basic instinct of man is not toward good, but toward evil (Genesis 6:5), (1 Timothy 6:9-11). We are dealing with the abuse of capitalism in the United States right now. The rest of the world has been dealing with in for alot longer, and are closer to and already involved in Socialism to various stages. You see America and Americans seem to think that people will do the right thing, because we are all basically good right? Wrong as the above verses state. People will do what is best for them. If they can make money, more money, and more money, then that is what they'll do, regardless. Therefore we have issues like: Bailouts of the banking industry, why? They wanted more money. We have thousands and thousands of people in bankruptcy, why? They wanted bigger and better (this is a general statement, I know there are those that did their best, but still had to file). We drove through the little town of Manistee, where there is a Casino. There is a Check N Go there, Why? Because then the person with a gambling problem can quickly cash their check and head over to the Casino. The person that owns the Check N Go, doesn't care about the gambler. They care about making money. How about Lawyers who chase ambulances with frivolous lawsuits? How about people who sue companies when they order hot coffee and spill it on themselves? (Here's some other interesting lawsuits) There are governments that are so corrupt that they will allow their people to starve, and little babies that have to wait years to be adopted by a loving family, why? Because they want to keep the money for themselves. Are you seeing it here? So here we are in the US. Our government sees the imbalance in our land and says we need to make it even - socialism.
Why do I say all this? It's just an observation. That's it. Just another lesson for me into the heart of man. How without God we are corrupt. (Romans 3:22-24) , (Romans 3:9-10) No matter how pretty the package is, or how good you try to be in and of yourself, without God we are evil, and every bent our our hearts are toward evil, and governments will try to legislate morality to no avail.
I hope I haven't freaked anyone out, and you're all now thinking I'm a flaming socialist! No way! I love Capitalism and all it can mean. I'm just a realist who sees the heart of man without God, and is beginning to understand. We wish those that made gobs and gobs would give unselfishly to others in need. We wish doctors didn't charge so much for services. We will Insurance companies would stop over charging doctors! We wish pharmaceutical companies would place a reasonable price on medicine, the list goes on and on. But they are free to do as they chose within the context of Capitalism, hoping they will do the right thing. Hummm.........