Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday - Kindness!

It seems like I just wrote my last Thankful Thursday post, but alas another week has sped by and I am here to reflect on the Lords goodness in this past week. Iris at Sting my Heart focused on Kindness today and that fits right in with one of the things I am thankful for!
Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing,
but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.
        • This week being spring break around here, I finally made the time to take my dear sweet daughter down to a local homeless shelter to drop off the money she raised, ummmm, last summer for the homeless! I know I know why so long! I have no excuse!!!! But isn't it better late then never?! Here is a picture of my sweet girl giving the money to a woman at Degage Ministries! I am thankful for Bekah's giving heart!
        My friend Diane had a post the other day about hardships in Haiti and other countries like Haiti! The cost of everything there is so exorbitant and here we sit in our vast wealth! You may say vast wealth, what! Yes compared to many, many other countries and even areas of the U.S. we are wealthy! We need to give of that wealth and be so grateful to God for what he has given us! I'm thankful for what God has given me and pray to use it wisely for Him!

          • I'm thankful for Spring break and the relaxing time we have been having. The weather has not been to warm, but that is O.K., not being on a schedule is wonderful!
          • I'm thankful for the study of Galatians I just finished and the power packed chapter 6 that just ended it on an awesome note!
          • I'm thankful that I have been able to walk 3 mornings this week! Getting started with a little David Crowder, then finishing with Alistar! Ah nice morning walks!
          • I'm thankful my son has somewhere to sleep tonight when I have 5 girly's over for Bekah's Birthday Party!
          • I'm thankful that right now the Mermaid cake is somewhat looking O.K. (I'll post pictures later, MAYBE!)
          • I'm thankful for my job where I have flexible hours so I can work at night and not have to get a babysitter for my kids!
          • I'm thankful that for the most part there has not been much arguing!
          • I'm thankful that this weekend I get to go to the Precepts Bible Training! I am so looking forward to how God is going to use this!

    Have an Awesome week!


    Susan said...

    Hey Kim,

    Oh, that was so sweet of your daughter to do this.

    Yes, we do need to remember those in need.

    May God bless and reward you.

    Hope you enjoy your spring break.

    Please wish Bekah a belated HB!!


    Susanne said...

    I had a sleep over for my daughter's 5th birthday. She invited four other girls from kindergarten and we did mani-pedis and watched the debut of High School Musical. (yeah, that was three years ago...she's 8 now...) We had so much fun!
    Wishing your girl a Happy Birthday, and you all the best!
    Happy TT!!

    Monkey Giggles said...

    That was very sweet of your daughter. Such a tender heart.

    Have a great week

    Nate and Brenda said...

    Happy Birthday to Bekah!!! Hope she has a great time at her party!

    Have a blast this weekend!! I cannot wait to hear about it!!

    Cheri said...

    What a sweet heart Bekah has- what a great example you have been for her!

    The Open Range Camping Family said...

    Great list. I want to see pictures of the cake. I think it is awesome your daughter saved up $$ for the homeless shelter.

    Anonymous said...

    Your daughter is an inspiration to all our children!

    Anonymous said...

    I, too, am thankful that I've exercised three times this week. Woohoo!!!! And I definitely know that having the children not argue much is indeed a blessing!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    Denise said...

    May God bless your precious daughter, that was so sweet. Enjoy your weekend.

    Heather said...

    Enjoy your weekend!

    I think that's awesome that your daughter raised money for the homeless shelter. What a blessing to see a giving heart in a young person.

    Praise and Coffee said...

    Have fun and Happy Birthday Bekah!!!

    Mari said...

    I'm thankful I can sleep tonight and don't have 5 girls staying overnight! :)
    What a sweet thing for Bekah to do. Tell her Happy Birthday!

    Mocha with Linda said...

    What a great list! Hope your daughter has a wonderful party!

    It is so weird that folks have spring break so late - I can't even imagine! We just started our last 6 weeks of school this week!

    eph2810 said...

    Uh - Galatians indeed is another wonderful book of the New Testament :) Glad you had the time to study it.

    I think that is so cool that Bekah collection money for a ministry :) WTG, Bekah.

    Breaks are great - even if you don't do much out-side, the flex-schedule is cool.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Be blessed today and always...

    Cheryl said...

    That is such a sweet girl you have, and she is so pretty to! Happy Birthday to her! It takes a sweet heart to want to do things for others at that age. Have a good day my friend! God Bless~

    Marsha said...

    Building compassion into the hearts of our children is a wonderful thing and will always bear fruit later in life. I have seen it in the lives of my children and grandchildren.

    I understand what you are saying about Haiti and other countries. I've been to several countries over 2 continents that are extremely impoverished. Most recently was Kenya out in the bush where one of my daughters and her family are missionaries. Oh my! Dung huts, children dying daily from malaria and dysentery. It was more than my heart could bear. I'll never be the same again.

    Shelly said...

    That is awesome fo Bekah to be so thoughtful and greatful and giving. Happy Birthday to Bekah.


    Shari said...

    I hope that you do post a picture of the mermaid cake. One of my daughters will probably want a mermaid cake for her next Birthday.

    I like what you said about our wealth. According to the U.S. government, our family of 7 is considered to be living in poverty. How can that be? We are living in a house, we go to bed with full tummies, my kids have more stuff than they know what to do with, and we even have a vehicle. There are millions of people who really have to struggle to keep their families alive. We are so blessed. I'm trying to get that through to my kids. But, as kids, they compare themselves with the other kids that are around them. It's hard for them to realize how blessed they really are.

    Aunt Angie said...

    That was a sweet sweet post! I know the party will be a blast! Sounds like you will have your hands full!!! To overflowing!
    I enjoy reading the "family stuff" of life---the things we enjoy! My girls are grown and married with children of their own...but I do remember all the girl stuff we did--what a good time!
    Have a super blessed weekend Kim!