Our family absolutely loves Fernando Ortega! Lately when I put Bekah to bed we sing "Creation Song" very loudly together! I love it! I love how he weaves scripture throughout his songs. His music always brings me such Peace!!!
I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Someone please make the time stop spinning out of control!!!! Lately I have found it hard to sit down at the computer, form a lucid thought, that is worth putting down; visiting my favorite bloggy friends, and commenting on their blogs! Things are just crazy right now! I have been reading in the Psalms lately, specifically Psalms 120-134. I love the Psalm above. My dad had the first 2 verses scrolled into a gate that was placed at the top of one of our hills back on the farm I grew up on. I actually have part of that gate at my house now! My dad was always writing verses on things! I love thinking back on them and getting to still have some of them to look at! God has been so good again this week! Why do we ever doubt, eh?!!!!
Well I know I have much more to be thankful for, but I am so tired and must go to bed! I'm sure by now you have checked out all the wonderful thankful ladies at Sting my Heart, but if not, who don't you head on over!
There I think that's it! It is very hard to sit here and think of new things to write about myself! I feel sufficiently stretched this morning!
I'm not going to take anyone, but if you would like to play along, have fun!
Welcome to another week of Thankful Thursday! I'm a bit late in my installment, because I couldn't quite put to words all I was thinking! There goes that cluttered mind thing again! Iris this week was focusing on Ministry! Well right now I'm knee deep in gearing up for another year in Children's Ministries! There are still alot of unknowns about this year! Who will fill the positions that need to be filled? Will they give their heart and soul to serving the Lord in this area? Will I be able to overcome my weakness' and do the job God has called me to do? Am I still being called? For how long? Oh so many questions running through my mind! Prayer is so important, and God has been giving me answers lately! Some big ones are still out there, but I need to learn to wait and listen! So much to be thankful for, even in the waiting!
On to my list for the week:
I hope everyone is having a great week! Join other ladies over at Sting my Heart for more grateful hearts!
Friendship Award
As I think over the wonderful group of women I have come to know, and some I already knew, but now know better, it's hard to choose any one to give these awards too! But there are 3 that come to mind right off the bat so I am sending these to awards out to:
Linda @ Mocha with Linda
I just so enjoy her blog! I feel like we are old friends, even though she did say not to visit her in Texas, just because we may have been in Ca during an earthquake and forest fire! Just kiddin' Linda!
Diane @ My Journey's Path
Diane is my sista in Christ! We have known each other quite a while! She is a tremendous support to me, and a wonderful prayer warrior!
Connie @ Little Red hearts from God
Connie is such a generous soul! You can so see her heart in her posts! I could never do what she does for a living! All I know is that these people are blessed to have her there to help them!
These are just three, but I think your all fantastic, and have had so much fun getting to know you and growing closer to God through your posts!
Now unto my little blessing!
E-mom had a Summer bloggy carnival contest and I won a couple of books!
The Boy Who Would Be King: The Story of David
- Streams: Five Psalms on Film (O.K. so maybe this one isn't a book)
I can't wait to get them!
Have a wonderful evening, what's left of it and a wonderful day tomorrow! If you think about it about 9:20 Michigan time if you could say a quick prayer for Jeremiah! He is getting his bottom braces on! YIPPY! Well at least it's not a retainer! I hate those things!!!!!
Well I'm a little late, but still well within the day of Thursday so I'm doing good! It has been a busy day, week and promises to be a busy month, what with the coming Fall Children's Ministry season FAST approaching and with a pretty BIG change happening that only promises to bring more work, and possibly stress! Bring it on! Oh wait on second thought don't bring it on I was just joking! Enough babble until what I am thankful for this week! Iris' theme is hope! The verse she has on her site is the one I quoted all the way to California, Psalms 42:11 - Why are you downcast Oh my soul? Why so disturbed within me! Put your hope in God! For I will yet praise you my savior and my God! I love that verse! We are Christians have much to put our hope in! This verse is also said in Psalms 42:5 and Psalms 43:5! Isn't that great! David has to repeat it to himself too! Boy I love that!
I am so thankful this week that:
I need to get busy, so that is all I can do right now! Have an absolutely blessed evening, and check out the other ladies at Sting my heart who are sharing their thankful hearts today!
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
This probably won't be the end of the pics either! Steve whittled it down to 670 last night! Aren't we nuts!!! Now we have to pic 200 or 250 of our favorites to print!
Have a great Friday!
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