Thursday, July 9, 2009

Simple Bible Study

When I started blogging I used to visit a blog called Rahab's Thread. They no longer blog, but their mission was to help others study the word of God. They gave a very simple Bible study help that I would like to pass along to you. When you study a passage (I usually study chapter by chapter), ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. What is this passage about?
  2. What do I learn from this passage?
  3. What will I apply from this passage to my life?

You could also write down based on the who, what, where, why, when also.

I believe this is loosely based on the Precepts type of study, but it is just a more simple way of getting into the Word.

I hope this helps you some how in your journey.

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Cheri said...

That's a great suggestion Kim.

Mari said...

I like this! I'm writing it down to tuck in my Bible.